John Cale References

The reference sources are from major music trade publications and newspapers worldwide. You can sort the list by the article title or the publication date.

Reference Title Sort descending Date
Albums: Honi Soit. Melody Maker, 56:17. 1981-3-28
Caught In the Act. Melody Maker, 56:23. 1981-4-25
Honi (SP 4849) review. Record World, 16.
Honi Soit. Robert A. Hull. Creem. 1981-8
John Cale Does More Than Make Records. Eliot Sekuler. Record World, 28.
John Cale Plays Bottom Line (photo). Record World, 21.
John Cale. Paul Bridge. Cash Box, 26.
John Cale's Last Dance. S. Savage. Creem, 11:18. 1979-10
John Cale's Military Madness. M. Gilmore. Rolling Stone, 323:16. 1980-8-7
Let's Go to Moscow. W. Wasacz. Creem, 11:15. 1980-4
Mercenaries (Ready For War) (IR 9008) review. Record World, 24.
Records: Honi Soit. Rolling Stone, 348:52. 1981-7-23
Records: Sabotage Live. Creem, 11:57. 1980-3
Records: Sabotage Live. Rolling Stone, 320:75-6. 1980-6-26
Review: Honi Soit. Billboard. 1981-4-4
Reviews: Sabotage/Live (SP 004). Billboard, 76.
Reviews: Sabotage/Live (SP 004). Record World, 13.
Riffs: John Cale Betrays Everybody. R. Montifoglio. Village Voice, 25:57-8. 1980-2-25
Rock's Honorable Psychotic. Paul Rambali. NME. 1981-4
Sabotage/Live. Paul Rambali. NME. 1980-1
Talent In Action. Billboard, 92:73. 1980-4-5
The Academic in Peril. Dave DiMartino. Creem. 1981-8