In early 1983, Billboard reported that Raffi's albums had sold over 600,000 in his native Canada. By 1985, Raffi released six albums on A&M/Shoreline and all went gold and platinum in Canada. A&M Home Video released Raffi's "A Young Children's Concert with Raffi. It received a Parents Choice Award and aired on the Disney channel. It also released "Creative Parenting: The First 12 Months."
Raffi owned Shoreline Records and used it for American distribution. He also owned Troubadour Records and used it for Canadian distribution. A&M Canada began distribution in 1983 and A&M U.S. signed a distribution agreement in September 1984 and began distribution in 1985. A&M in both Canada and the U.S. distributed until 1990.
Elephant Records was begun in 1978. By 1978, Sharon, Lois & Bram released 14 albums on the label selling more than 2.7 million records. It was distributed by A&M Records Canada.
Children's Group had the Susan Hammond Classical Kids series that sold more than 1.5 records worldwide. It was distributed by A&M Records Canada.
A&M also distributed Hug Bug Records, Kids Records, L.L. Records and Lullaby Lady Productions.
A&M Childrens Music Catalog 1990-91
By 1992, A&M was not signing new chidrens artists. The Shari Lewis "Lamb Chop's Play-Along" four video series was released. It was the first time an A&M video retailed for less than $10. The videos were compiled from Lewis' PBS TV show. The videos were supported with a 12-piece counter display and 24-piece floor display.
A&M Childrens Music Catalog 1991-92
In 1994, no other major label had a full roster of children's artists.
A&M Kid's World Of Music Winter 1993-94 Catalog
From December 6-11, 1994 Shari Lewis performed for five days on Broadway with Lamb Chop on Broadway. A&M Children's Video Division recorded the performances and promoted the show with radio and retail promotion around New York City.
Billboard reported that A&M was attempting to sell its children's audio and video line for $1.5 million in 1995. A&M Childrens Records closed in 1995.

Book By Raffi to Be Published. Billboard, March 19, 1983.
The Fountain of Youth (photo). Billboard, October 6, 1984.
Children's Music Network Gathers Industry Together. Moira McCormick. Billboard, November 28, 1992.
Acts Migrate Back to Indies in Kids' Music's Biggest Year. Moira McCormick. Billboard, December 24, 1994.
Power Rangers, Direct-to-Vid Lead Non-Theatricals' Rise. Moira McCormick. Billboard, January 7, 1995.
Bartels Shifts Labels But Sticks to Old Crew. Moira McCormick. Billboard, February 18, 1995.
Picture This. Seth Goldstein. Billboard, March 11, 1995.
Billboard articles