Ray Manzarek References

The reference sources are from major music trade publications and newspapers worldwide. You can sort the list by the article title or the publication date.

Reference Title Sort descending Date
Carmina Burana (AMLX 64945) review. Music Week, 15.
Carmine Burana (record reviews). Rolling Stone, 67. 1983-12-8
Interview. Stereoplay, 5:130-131. 1984-5
Ray Manzarek Opening New. Roman Kozak. Billboard, 95:56. 1983-10-8
Record Reviews: Carmina Burana. D. Fricke. Musician, 62:106. 1983-12
Reviews: Carmina Burana. Hi Fi/Mus Am, 33:98-99. 1983-12
The Audio Interview: Ray Manzarek. P. Laurence. Audio, 67:40-45. 1983-12