Marti Jones Discography
There are 34 recordings for Marti Jones. Click the links for the worldwide releases by recording title then click the stock number for the detailed discography including tracks, credits, format and release information.
Chance Of a Lifetime
Stock | Country | Label | Format | Released |
390 134 | Germany | A&M Records | 7-inch | 1986 |
Chance Of a Lifetime/Crusher
Stock | Country | Label | Format | Released |
390 134 | Britain | A&M Records | 7-inch | 1986 |
Chance Of a Lifetime/Soon I Will Be Gone
Stock | Country | Label | Format | Released |
K 142 | Australia | A&M Records | 7-inch | 1986 |
AM 2871 | Canada | A&M Records | 7-inch | 1986 |
7Y 3029 | Japan | A&M Records | 7-inch | |
2871 | United States | A&M Records | 7-inch | 1986 |
Inside These Arms/Be Myself Again
Stock | Country | Label | Format | Released |
390 195 | France | A&M Records | 7-inch | 1987 |
390 218 | Germany | A&M Records | 7-inch | 1987 |
Match Game
Stock | Country | Label | Format | Released |
395 138 | Britain | A&M Records | vinyl album | 1986 |
SP 5138 | Canada | A&M Records | vinyl album, CD album, cassette album | 1986 |
395 138 | Germany | A&M Records | vinyl album, CD album | 1986 |
D32Y 3141 | Japan | A&M Records | CD album | 1987-1-21 |
C28Y 3152 | Japan | A&M Records | vinyl album | 1987-1-21 |
SP 5138 | United States | A&M Records | vinyl album, CD album, cassette album | 1986-8-13 |
75021 5138 | United States | A&M Records | CD album | 1990 |
The Real One
Stock | Country | Label | Format | Released |
SP 17575 | United States | A&M Records | 12-inch | 1988 |
The Real One/To Sir With Love
Stock | Country | Label | Format | Released |
S10Y 3042 | Japan | A&M Records | CD single | 1988 |
AM 1222 | United States | A&M Records | 7-inch | 1988 |
Unsophisticated Time
Stock | Country | Label | Format | Released |
SP 5086 | Canada | A&M Records | vinyl album, cassette album, CD album | 1985 |
395 086 | Germany | A&M Records | CD album | 1985 |
75021 5086 | United States | A&M Records | cassette album | 1990 |
SP 5086 | United States | A&M Records | vinyl album, cassette album | 1985 |
Used Guitars
Stock | Country | Label | Format | Released |
L 38948 | Australia | A&M Records | vinyl album | 1988 |
DACD 5208 | Canada | A&M Records | CD album | 1988 |
DASP 5208 | Canada | A&M Records | vinyl album | 1988 |
SP 5208 | Canada | A&M Records | vinyl album, CD album, cassette album | 1988 |
395 208 | Germany | A&M Records | vinyl album, CD album | |
D32Y 3246 | Japan | A&M Records | CD album | 1988-8-21 |
28P 31130 | Japan | A&M Records | cassette album | |
SP 5208 | United States | A&M Records | vinyl album, CD album, cassette album | 1988 |
75021 5208 | United States | A&M Records | cassette album | 1990 |
Walk Away (If I Could)
Stock | Country | Label | Format | Released |
SP 17346 | United States | A&M Records | 12-inch | 1985 |
Walk Away (If I Could)/Show and Tell
Stock | Country | Label | Format | Released |
390 058 | Germany | A&M Records | 7-inch | 1985 |
We're Doing Alright/Soon I Will Be Gone
Stock | Country | Label | Format | Released |
390 158 | Germany | A&M Records | 7-inch | 1986 |