Mort Garson & Jacques Wilson Discography

There are 17 recordings for Mort Garson & Jacques Wilson. Click the links for the worldwide releases by recording title then click the stock number for the detailed discography including tracks, credits, format and release information.

Astrological Series--Aquarius

Astrological Series--Aries

Astrological Series--Cancer

Astrological Series--Capricorn

Astrological Series--Gemini

Astrological Series--Leo

Astrological Series--Libra

Astrological Series--Pisces

Astrological Series--Sagittarius

Astrological Series--Scorpio

Astrological Series--Taurus

Astrological Series--Virgo

Signs Of the Zodiac--Cancer

Signs Of the Zodiac—Aries

Signs Of the Zodiac—Gemini

Signs Of the Zodiac—Pisces

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