Nils Lofgren References
The reference sources are from major music trade publications and newspapers worldwide. You can sort the list by the article title or the publication date.
Reference Title | Date Sort descending |
Grin and Bear It. G. Brown. Melody Maker, 48:51. | 1973-11-24 |
Grin's Lost Laugh. G. Brown. Melody Maker, 49:58. | 1974-11-16 |
Caught in the Act. Melody Maker, 50:20. | 1975-11-15 |
The Selling of Nils Lofgren. Penny Valentine. Street Life. | 1975-11 |
Nils Lofgren. Penny Valentine. Street Life. | 1975-11 |
Lofgren: Poised for Commercial Success. Record World, 26. |
1975-11-29 |
Nils Lofgren. David Redshaw. Music Week, 71. |
1975-11-22 |
Nils On His Heels. G. Brown. Melody Maker, 50:26. | 1975-11-15 |
Caught in the Act. Melody Maker, 50:42. | 1975-10-25 |
Nils Lofgren. Andy Childs. ZigZag. | 1975-9 |
Nils: Do 'ave a Dubonnet! S. Lake. Melody Maker, 50:40. | 1975-8-30 |
Records: Nils Lofgren. Creem, 7:66. | 1975-6 |
Nils Lofgren. Ken Barnes. Phonograph Record. | 1975-2 |
Reviews: Nils Lofgren. Billboard. | 1975-3-1 |
Nils Lofgren (SP 4509) review. Record World, 14. |
1975-3-1 |
Records: Nils Lofgren. Rolling Stone, 184:62. | 1975-4-10 |
Nils Lofgren (SP 4509) review. RPM, 10. |
1975-5-3 |
Lofgren--Training to Do a Guitar Flip! Chris Charlesworth. Melody Maker, 50:41. | 1975-5-17 |
Back It Up (1692) review. Record World, 16. |
1975-5-17 |
Nils On His Own: Teen Love Forever. Paul Nelson. Rolling Stone, 189:20. |
1975-6-19 |
New Acts. Variety, 280:54. | 1975-8-27 |
Nils Lofgren concert review. RPM, 11. |
1976-11-20 |
Performance. Rolling Stone, 221:70. | 1976-9-9 |
Trailer Crowd (photo). Record World, 56. |
1976-8-21 |
Concert Reviews. Variety, 283:44. | 1976-8-4 |
Records: Cry Tough. Creem, 8:64. | 1976-7 |
Congrats to Nils (photo). Record World, 26. |
1976-7-10 |
It's Not a Crime (1839) review. Record World, 20. |
1976-7-10 |
Talent In Action. Billboard, 88:47. | 1976-6-26 |
Nils Lofgren. Barbara Charone. Sounds. | 1976-5 |
Records: Cry Tough. Rolling Stone, 213:71. | 1976-5-20 |
Records: Back It Up! Rolling Stone, 213:71. | 1976-5-20 |
Caught in the Act. Melody Maker, 51:23. | 1976-5-15 |
Cry tough (SP 4573) review. RPM, 12. |
1976-4-17 |
Reviews: Cry Tough. Billboard. | 1976-4-3 |
Nils Lofgren: He Can Beat the Press. Ken Barnes. Phonograph Record. | 1976-3 |
Back It Up! Tom Nolan. Phonograph Record. | 1976-1 |
Lofgren 'Bootleg' Serviced by A&M. Record World, 96. |
1976-1-17 |
New Victoria, London. Chris Salewicz. NME. | 1976-5 |
Nils Lofgren/Ayers Rock, Roxy, LA. Paul Grein. Billboard. |
1977-6-26 |
Capsule Reviews; I Came to Dance. Crawdaddy, 73:81. | 1977-6 |
Records: I Came to Dance. Hi Fi/Mus Am, 27:122. | 1977-6 |
Records: I Came to Dance. Mitchell Cohen. Creem, 9:59-60. | 1977-6 |
Nils Gets Lucky. S. Simels. Stereo Review, 39:93. | 1977-7 |
Skipping Out On Sadness: Inside Nils Lofgren. T. White. Crawdaddy, 68:28. | 1977-7 |
University of Texas, Dallas. NME. | 1977-8 |
Albums: Night After Night. Melody Maker, 52:25. | 1977-10-15 |
Reviews: Night After Night (SP 3707). Billboard, 80. |
1977-10-15 |
Night After Night (SP 3707) review. Record World, 20. |
1977-10-22 |
Night After Night AMLH 68439) review. Music Week, 48. |
1977-10-22 |
Records: Night After Night. Rolling Stone, 253:77-8. | 1977-12-1 |
Crisis Point For Nils. S. Kinnersley. Melody Maker, 52:8-9. | 1977-12-10 |
I Came to Dance (1927) review. Record World, 1. |
1977-5-7 |
Nils Lofgren Sucks Eggs; Not Really, But You Read This Far Didn't You? Susan Whitall. Creem, 8:36-7. | 1977-2 |
Albums: I Came to Dance. Melody Maker, 52:31. | 1977-3-5 |
Nils On Wheels. Harry Doherty. Melody Maker, 52:13. | 1977-3-12 |
Reviews: I Came to Dance (SP 4628). Billboard, 116. |
1977-3-12 |
I Came to Dance (SP 4628) review. Record World, 28. |
1977-3-12 |
Concluding a Natter with the Soft Funster Himself, Nils Lofgren. Andy Childs. ZigZag. | 1977-3 |
Talent in Action. Ed Harrison. Billboard, 89:42. |
1977-4-9 |
Concert Reviews. Variety, 286:108. | 1977-4-20 |
I Came to Dance. Lester Bangs. Phonograph Record. | 1977-4 |
Records: I Came to Dance. Rolling Stone, 238:74. | 1977-5-5 |
Caught in the Act. Melody Maker, 52:42. | 1977-5-21 |
Rock 'N' Roll Gymnast. Andy Childs. ZigZag. | 1977-3 |
Records: Nils. Creem, 11:54. | 1979-11 |
Records: Nils. Rolling Stone, 304:70. | 1979-11-15 |
Nils. Don Snowden. Los Angeles Times. | 1979-9 |
Nils Lofgren: The Venue. Simon Hills. Music Week, 42. |
1979-9-1 |
Caught In the Act. Melody Maker, 54:30. | 1979-9-1 |
Wembley Stadium, London. Harry Doherty. Melody Maker. | 1979-8 |
The Second Coming of Nils Lofgren. Sylvie Simmons. Sounds. | 1979-8 |
No Mercy (2173) review. Record World, 1. |
1979-8-11 |
Reviews: Nils (SP 4756). Billboard, 66. |
1979-6-30 |
Nils (AMLH 64756) review. Music Week, 40. |
1979-6-23 |
Nils (SP 4756) Reviews. Cash Box, 11. |
1979-6-23 |
Albums: Nils. Melody Maker, 54:30. | 1979-6-16 |