Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark References

The reference sources are from major music trade publications and newspapers worldwide. You can sort the list by the article title or the publication date.

Reference Title Date Sort ascending
Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark (compact disc reviews). High Fidelity, 38:86. 1988-10
Reviews: Dreaming. Billboard, 65.
Reviews: Best of OMD. Billboard, 64.
Artist Developments: Shedding Light on OMD. Billboard, 24.
Records: The Pacific Age. John Mendelsohn. Creem, 18:16-17. 1987-4
Orchestral Manoeuvres In the Dark: They Need Your Love So Bad! J. Young. Creem, 18:42-44. 1987-3
If You Leave (2811). Billboard, 98:71.
Live! Melody Maker, 61:22. 1986-1-25
Live! Melody Maker, 61:14. 1986-2-22
Orchestral Manoeuvres In the Dark. B. Doerschuk. Keyboard Magazine, 12:72-74. 1986-3
Going Fishing For Topics: a Bartlette-esque Update On OMD. A. Kaye. Creem, 17:44-46. 1986-6
Reviews: (Forever) Live and Die (2872). Billboard, 99:73.
Albums: The Pacific Age. Melody Maker, 61:32. 1986-10-4
OMD In the Spotlight. Linda Moleski. Billboard, 98:26.
The Pacific Age. Len Brown. NME. 1986-10
Orchestral Manoeuvres In the Dark and the Motels. Variety, 325:138. 1986-11-26
Reviews: (Forever) Live and Die. Billboard, 73.
Two Guys and a Tape Deck. Ira Robbins. Musicians. 1985
Riffs & Licks: State Of the Heart. B. Mack. Village Voice, 30:59. 1985-3-12
A Song for Europe. B. McIlheney. Melody Maker, 60:34-35. 1985-6-29
Reviews: Crush (SP 5077). Billboard, 66.
Immedia Video: Crush, the Movie. Melody Maker, 60:34. 1985-7-27
Odd Musical Duo. D. Keeps. Creem, 17:19. 1985-7
Crush (record reviews). Ira Robbins. Rolling Stone, 455:68. 1985-8-29
OMD’s Autograph Session Attracts A&M’s Friesen. RPM, 2.
Orchestral Manoeuvres In the Dark: Two Guys and a Tape Deck Become a Real Band. J. Robbins. Musician, 84:11-12. 1985-10
Thompson Twins, Orchestral Manoeuvres In the Dark (Universal Amphitheatre, Los Angeles). Variety, 321:102. 1985-11-20
Reviews: Junk Culture (SP 5027). Billboard, 66.
It's Alive. Melody Maker, 59:20. 1984-9-29
Orchestral Manoeuvres In the Dark (Sydney). Variety, 316:70. 1984-9-12
High Definition. D. Fox. Melody Maker, 59:35. 1984-5-12
New Junk For Old. H. FitzGerald. Melody Maker, 59:16-17. 1984-4-28
Albums: Junk Culture. Melody Maker, 59:30. 1984-4-28
Architecture and Morality (record reviews). Rolling Stone, 69. 1982-5-13