Police References
The reference sources are from major music trade publications and newspapers worldwide. You can sort the list by the article title or the publication date.
Reference Title | Date Sort descending |
Zenyatta Mondatta, the Police. David Fricke. Rolling Stone, 104. |
Music Machine, Camden, London. Paul Rambali. NME. | 1977-6 |
The Best Rock 'n' Roll Band I've Seen in Years.' John Pidgeon. Melody Maker. | 1978-9 |
Outlandos D'Amour. Phil Sutcliffe. Sounds. | 1978-11 |
Outlandos d�'Amour (AMLH 68502) review. Music Week, 26. |
1978-12-16 |
Roxanne (2096) Reviews. Cash Box, 18. |
1979-2-10 |
Outlandos d'Amour (SP 4753) Reviews. Record World, 55. |
1979-2-10 |
Outlandos d'Amour (SP 4753) Reviews. Cash Box, 20. |
1979-2-17 |
Reviews: Outlandos d'Amour (SP 4753). Billboard, 82. |
1979-2-17 |
Police Lean to America. Jim Green. Trouser Press. | 1979-2 |
Tax Problems Hit the Police and Yes. Melody Maker, 55:3. | 1979-3-15 |
Outlandos d'Amour (SP 4753) Reviews. Barry Taylor. Record World, 6. |
1979-3-31 |
Caught In the Act. Melody Maker, 54:22. | 1979-4-21 |
Records; Outlandos d'Amour. Feature, 95:73. | 1979-4 |
The Whisky, Los Angeles. Sylvie Simmons. Sounds. | 1979-4 |
Police: the Case of the Bleached Blonds. Mick Brown. Rolling Stone, 24-6. |
1979-5-3 |
Can't Stand Losing You (2147) Reviews. Cash Box, 22. |
1979-5-19 |
Can't Stand Losing You (2147) Reviews. Record World, 1. |
1979-5-19 |
The Pressure On Police. A. Jones. Melody Maker, 55:23-5. | 1979-5-26 |
The Police Take to the Street. Mick Brown. Rolling Stone. | 1979-5 |
Police. Janet Bridgers. Cash Box, 56. |
1979-6-2 |
Caught In the Act. Melody Maker, 54:43. | 1979-6-9 |
Police Tactics: A Sting In the Tale. M. Williams. Melody Maker, 54:19. | 1979-6-9 |
Records: Outlandos d'Amour. Rolling Stone, 293:96. | 1979-6-14 |
Picture Disk (photo). Billboard, 4. |
1979-6-23 |
Caught In the Act. Melody Maker, 54:30. | 1979-6-30 |
Albums: Reggatta de Blanc. John Pidgeon. Melody Maker, 54:30. | 1979-9-22 |
Caught In the Act. Melody Maker, 54:45. | 1979-9-29 |
Outlandos Gold Disc (photo). Music Week. |
1979-9-29 |
Reggatta De Blanc (AMLH 64792) review. Music Week. |
1979-10-6 |
Message In a Bottle (2190) Reviews. Cash Box, 22. |
1979-10-13 |
Message In a Bottle (2190) Reviews. Record World, 14. |
1979-10-13 |
Jackson and Police Grab the Action. Melody Maker, 54:5. | 1979-10-13 |
Reggatta de Blanc (SP 4792) Reviews. Cash Box, 15. |
1979-10-20 |
A&M to Release New Police 45, Oct. 17. Cash Box, 19. |
1979-10-20 |
Reviews: Reggatta de Blanc (SP 4792). Billboard, 71. |
1979-10-20 |
Reggatta de Blanc (SP 4792) Reviews. Billboard, 71. |
1979-10-20 |
Reggatta de Blanc (SP 4792) Reviews. Record World, 1. |
1979-10-27 |
The Police Rock the Diplomat. Liz Derringer. Record World, 36. |
1979-10-27 |
Police Release 45. Music Week, 1. |
1979-11-17 |
Concert Reviews. Variety, 297:136. | 1979-11-21 |
Message from Three Bottle Blonds. Susan Whitall. Creem. | 1979-11 |
The Police Jam In the Slammer (photo). Cash Box, 32. |
1979-12-8 |
Police Behind Bars (photo). Record World, 97. |
1979-12-8 |
Riffs: Arrested By Police. B. Malamut. Village Voice, 24:55. | 1979-12-10 |
Records: Reggatta de Blanc. Rolling Stone, 306:84. | 1979-12-13 |
Caught In the Act. Melody Maker, 54:22. | 1979-12-22 |
Opera--With a Sting In Its Tale. S. Taylor. Melody Maker, 54:10. | 1979-12-22 |
Reggatta de Blanc Double Platinum (photo). Music Week, 39. |
1980-1-26 |
Records: Reggatta de Blanc. Hi Fi/Mus Am, 30:104. | 1980-1 |
Bring On the Night (2218) review. Record World, 1. |
1980-2-2 |
The Police: Making New Wave Safe for America. K. McKenna. Rolling Stone, 310:13-14. | 1980-2-7 |
Major Tour Set for Police. Record World, 33. |
1980-2-16 |
Police Report: Message From Three Bottle Blonds. Susan Whitall. Creem, 11:26-9. | 1980-2 |
Determination Puts Police Into Orient. Adam White. Billboard, 92:51. |
1980-3-8 |
A Fair Cop. Music Week, 4. | 1980-3-8 |
The Police: Kingston Meets Kensington: Their Message Is a Bottle That Gets Through. R. Trakin. Mus P&L, 23:20. | 1980-3 |
Overbooking Spurs Riot At Police Gig In Athens. John Carr. Billboard. | 1980-4-15 |
A&M Re-Releases Police Single Due to Growing Intl. Response. Samuel Graham. Record World, 8. |
1980-5-17 |
A&M Releases 5.99 Police Singles Package. Music Week, 3. |
1980-5-24 |
Police Six Pack. Music Week. |
1980-5-24 |
Crisis of Identity. Phil Sutcliffe. Sounds. | 1980-6 |
Albums: Zenyatta Mondatta. Melody Maker, 55:23. | 1980-10-4 |
Zenyatta Mondatta (AMLH 64831) review. Music Week, 2. |
1980-10-4 |
Lending a Hand to Help Local Talent. Music Week, S4. |
1980-10-4 |
Zenyatta Mondatta (SP 4831) review. Cash Box, 11. |
1980-10-11 |
Police Look Into International Affairs. Kurt Loder. Rolling Stone, 328:21. | 1980-10-16 |
Reviews: Zenyatta Mondatta (SP 4831). Billboard, 66. |
1980-10-18 |
Zenyatta Mondatta (SP 4831) review. Record World, 1. |
1980-10-18 |
De Do Do Do, De Da Da Da (2275) review. Record World, 1. |
1980-11-1 |
U.K.-Based Police Blazing Trails With Unconventional Sound, Approach. Cash Box, 39. |
1980-11-22 |
Concert Reviews. Variety, 301:72. | 1980-12-17 |
Zenyatta Platinum in Canada (photo). Music Week, 6. |
1980-12-20 |
Police. David Dalton. Music Week, 27. |
1980-12-27 |
Police Top Year-End Charts. Music Week, 1. |
1980-12-27 |
Clevere Kaufmaenner Erobern Die Hitparden. H. Hansen. Neue, Mz, 6:12. | 1980-12 |
Records: Zenyatta Mondatta. Rolling Stone, 34:4:104. | 1980-12 |
Caught In the Act. Melody Maker, 56:25. | 1981-1-3 |
Police/Sector 27 Madison Square Garden. Roman Kozak. Billboard. |
1981-1-11 |
Riffs: The Police Blow Their Cover. J. Pareles. Village Voice, 26:87-88. | 1981-1-14 |
The Police Break Every Rule. Record World, 16. |
1981-1-17 |
Zenyatta Mondatta Gold and Platinum (photo). Music Week, 3. |
1981-1-17 |
Police Scoop Radio Poll. Music Week, 12. |
1981-1-17 |
Talent In Action. Billboard, 93:37. | 1981-1-24 |
The Police Sting the Big Apple. Melody Maker, 56:28. | 1981-1-24 |
The Police. Chris Salewicz. NME. | 1981-1 |
Platinum Blondes (photo). Billboard, 3. |
1981-2-14 |
Police Find Success by Breaking All the Rules. Music Week, 4. |
1981-2-14 |
Working Under Police Pressure! Nigel Gray Producer. Music Week, Supp 4. |
1981-2-14 |
Police Finds Success By Breaking All the Rules, Music Week, Supp 4. |
1981-2-14 |
Policing the World: Blond Heads Give Chase to International Stardom. James Henke. Rolling Stone, 337:42. | 1981-2-19 |
Court Order Bars Police Bootlegs. Record World, 9. |
1981-3-28 |
Police Platinum Festival (photo). Record World, 39. |
1981-3-28 |
Records: Zenyatta Mondatta. Creem, 12:54. | 1981-3 |
The Police, Does Everyone Stare. F. Niermann. Mus U Bild, 13:453-63. | 1981-7 |
The Police In Venezuela (photo). Record World, 36. |
1981-8-29 |
New Police Single. Music Week, 4. | 1981-9-5 |
Au Audiophile First. Cash Box, 16. |
1981-9-19 |
Nautilus LP for Police. Ed Harrison. Billboard, 3. |
1981-9-19 |
Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic (2371) review. Record World, 1. |
1981-9-26 |
Albums: Ghost In the Machine. Melody Maker, 56:20. | 1981-10-3 |
Police Hit Back After BBC Ban (of Promo Video For New Single Invisible Sun). Melody Maker, 56:3. | 1981-10-3 |
Police Power (photo). Billboard, 45. |
1981-10-10 |
Reviews: Ghost in the Machine (SP 3730). Billboard. |
1981-10-10 |
Ghost in the Machine (SP 3730) review. Cash Box. |
1981-10-10 |
Ghost in the Machine (SP 3730) review. Record World, 1. |
1981-10-10 |
High Spirits In the Material World. P. Colbert. Melody Maker, 56:20-21. | 1981-10-17 |
Closeup (Ghost In the Machine). Sam Sutherland. Billboard, 93:104. |
1981-10-31 |
The Police Are Back. Kurt Loder. Rolling Stone, 357:58. | 1981-11-26 |
Records: Ghost In the Machine. Rolling Stone, 358:81. | 1981-12-10 |
Caught In the Act. Melody Maker, 56:24. | 1981-12-19 |
Concert Reviews. Variety, 305:48. | 1981-12-30 |
Riffs: Never Trust the Police. J. Truman. Village Voice, 27:61-62. | 1982-1-6 |
Police Gear Up to Take �'Ghost�' Out on Tour. Cash Box, 9. |
1982-1-16 |
Ghost In the Machine (record reviews). High Fidelity, 32:84. | 1982-1 |
Ghost in the Machine. Mitchell Cohen. Creem. | 1982-1 |
Records: Ghost In the Machine. Trouser Press, 8:30. | 1982-1 |
The Police at Wembley Arena. Richard Cook. NME. | 1982-1 |
Ian Copeland: Putting the Police On the Road. James Henke. Rolling Stone, 362:40. | 1982-2-4 |
Police Interrupt U.S. Tour for South American Dates. Roman Kozak. Billboard, 12. |
1982-2-13 |
The Changing Sounds Of Rock & Roll: Andy Summers' Chilling Guitar. M. Lee. Rolling Stone, 363:55-7. | 1982-2-18 |
Talent In Action. Cary Darling. Billboard, 94:56. |
1982-2-20 |
German Gold for the Police (photo). Record World, 62. |
1982-2-27 |
Police (Ghost In the Machine). S. Simels. Stereo Review, 47:84. | 1982-2 |
The Police's Sting Considers a New Career. F. Schruers. Rolling Stone, 337:47-8. | 1982-3-4 |
Record Reviews: Ghost In the Machine. Down Beat, 49:31. | 1982-3 |
Demolition Men In the Machine: Everything the Police Do Is Magic! C. Salewicz. Creem, 13:26-31. | 1982-4 |
Hot Spots. Trouser Press, 9:58. | 1982-4 |
Police Have More Fun! J. Green. Trouser Press, 9:17-21. | 1982-5 |
The Police Have More Fun. Jim Green. Trouser Press. | 1982-5 |
Canadian Dates For Police. RPM. |
1982-8-14 |
Ghost In the Machine Canadian Gold (photo). RPM. | 1982-8-28 |
Talent In Action. Carter Moody. Billboard, 94:47. |
1982-9-4 |
Albums: Brimstone and Treacle: Soundtrack. Melody Maker, 57:21. | 1982-9-11 |
A Policeman's Guide to Good and Evil. Paulo Hewitt. Melody Maker. | 1982-9 |
Andy Summers: Painting Soundscapes With the Police. J. Obrecht. Guitar Player, 16:70-72. | 1982-9 |
Police Antecedents. P. Frame. Trouser Press, 9:34-35. | 1982-11 |
Demolition Men in the Machine: Everything the Police Do Is Magic. Chris Salewicz. Creem. | 1982 |
Andy Summers: the Police's Superguitarist Reveals His True Identity. C. Doering & V. Gabarine. Musician, 51:56-60. | 1983-1 |
Every Word You Say. P. Colbert. Melody Maker, 58:3. | 1983-5-28 |
Albums: Synchronicity. Melody Maker, 58:27. | 1983-6-18 |
MTV Tests Promo Power With Police; Tour Tie-In. L. Sacks. Billboard, 95:1. | 1983-6-18 |
Reviews: Synchronicity. Billboard. | 1983-6-18 |
Riffs: Ghosts In the Machination. M. Spencer. Village Voice, 28:69. | 1983-6-21 |
Records: Synchronicity. Rolling Stone, 398:54-55. | 1983-6-23 |
The Police Infuse Avant-Garde and the Commercial. Robert Palmer. New York Times. | 1983-6-26 |
Synchronicity (record reviews). Variety, 311:54. | 1983-6-29 |
Synchronicity, the Police. Vanity Fair, 46:30. | 1983-6 |
The Police's Synchronicity. Richard Cook. NME. | 1983-6 |
Official Police Business. Jay Cocks. Time, 122:50. | 1983-8-15 |