Police References

The reference sources are from major music trade publications and newspapers worldwide. You can sort the list by the article title or the publication date.

Reference Title Date Sort descending
Zenyatta Mondatta, the Police. David Fricke. Rolling Stone, 104.
Music Machine, Camden, London. Paul Rambali. NME. 1977-6
The Best Rock 'n' Roll Band I've Seen in Years.' John Pidgeon. Melody Maker. 1978-9
Outlandos D'Amour. Phil Sutcliffe. Sounds. 1978-11
Outlandos d�'Amour (AMLH 68502) review. Music Week, 26.
Roxanne (2096) Reviews. Cash Box, 18.
Outlandos d'Amour (SP 4753) Reviews. Record World, 55.
Outlandos d'Amour (SP 4753) Reviews. Cash Box, 20.
Reviews: Outlandos d'Amour (SP 4753). Billboard, 82.
Police Lean to America. Jim Green. Trouser Press. 1979-2
Tax Problems Hit the Police and Yes. Melody Maker, 55:3. 1979-3-15
Outlandos d'Amour (SP 4753) Reviews. Barry Taylor. Record World, 6.
Caught In the Act. Melody Maker, 54:22. 1979-4-21
Records; Outlandos d'Amour. Feature, 95:73. 1979-4
The Whisky, Los Angeles. Sylvie Simmons. Sounds. 1979-4
Police: the Case of the Bleached Blonds. Mick Brown. Rolling Stone, 24-6.
Can't Stand Losing You (2147) Reviews. Cash Box, 22.
Can't Stand Losing You (2147) Reviews. Record World, 1.
The Pressure On Police. A. Jones. Melody Maker, 55:23-5. 1979-5-26
The Police Take to the Street. Mick Brown. Rolling Stone. 1979-5
Police. Janet Bridgers. Cash Box, 56.
Caught In the Act. Melody Maker, 54:43. 1979-6-9
Police Tactics: A Sting In the Tale. M. Williams. Melody Maker, 54:19. 1979-6-9
Records: Outlandos d'Amour. Rolling Stone, 293:96. 1979-6-14
Picture Disk (photo). Billboard, 4.
Caught In the Act. Melody Maker, 54:30. 1979-6-30
Albums: Reggatta de Blanc. John Pidgeon. Melody Maker, 54:30. 1979-9-22
Caught In the Act. Melody Maker, 54:45. 1979-9-29
Outlandos Gold Disc (photo). Music Week.
Reggatta De Blanc (AMLH 64792) review. Music Week.
Message In a Bottle (2190) Reviews. Cash Box, 22.
Message In a Bottle (2190) Reviews. Record World, 14.
Jackson and Police Grab the Action. Melody Maker, 54:5. 1979-10-13
Reggatta de Blanc (SP 4792) Reviews. Cash Box, 15.
A&M to Release New Police 45, Oct. 17. Cash Box, 19.
Reviews: Reggatta de Blanc (SP 4792). Billboard, 71.
Reggatta de Blanc (SP 4792) Reviews. Billboard, 71.
Reggatta de Blanc (SP 4792) Reviews. Record World, 1.
The Police Rock the Diplomat. Liz Derringer. Record World, 36.
Police Release 45. Music Week, 1.
Concert Reviews. Variety, 297:136. 1979-11-21
Message from Three Bottle Blonds. Susan Whitall. Creem. 1979-11
The Police Jam In the Slammer (photo). Cash Box, 32.
Police Behind Bars (photo). Record World, 97.
Riffs: Arrested By Police. B. Malamut. Village Voice, 24:55. 1979-12-10
Records: Reggatta de Blanc. Rolling Stone, 306:84. 1979-12-13
Caught In the Act. Melody Maker, 54:22. 1979-12-22
Opera--With a Sting In Its Tale. S. Taylor. Melody Maker, 54:10. 1979-12-22
Reggatta de Blanc Double Platinum (photo). Music Week, 39.
Records: Reggatta de Blanc. Hi Fi/Mus Am, 30:104. 1980-1
Bring On the Night (2218) review. Record World, 1.
The Police: Making New Wave Safe for America. K. McKenna. Rolling Stone, 310:13-14. 1980-2-7
Major Tour Set for Police. Record World, 33.
Police Report: Message From Three Bottle Blonds. Susan Whitall. Creem, 11:26-9. 1980-2
Determination Puts Police Into Orient. Adam White. Billboard, 92:51.
A Fair Cop. Music Week, 4. 1980-3-8
The Police: Kingston Meets Kensington: Their Message Is a Bottle That Gets Through. R. Trakin. Mus P&L, 23:20. 1980-3
Overbooking Spurs Riot At Police Gig In Athens. John Carr. Billboard. 1980-4-15
A&M Re-Releases Police Single Due to Growing Intl. Response. Samuel Graham. Record World, 8.
A&M Releases 5.99 Police Singles Package. Music Week, 3.
Police Six Pack. Music Week.
Crisis of Identity. Phil Sutcliffe. Sounds. 1980-6
Albums: Zenyatta Mondatta. Melody Maker, 55:23. 1980-10-4
Zenyatta Mondatta (AMLH 64831) review. Music Week, 2.
Lending a Hand to Help Local Talent. Music Week, S4.
Zenyatta Mondatta (SP 4831) review. Cash Box, 11.
Police Look Into International Affairs. Kurt Loder. Rolling Stone, 328:21. 1980-10-16
Reviews: Zenyatta Mondatta (SP 4831). Billboard, 66.
Zenyatta Mondatta (SP 4831) review. Record World, 1.
De Do Do Do, De Da Da Da (2275) review. Record World, 1.
U.K.-Based Police Blazing Trails With Unconventional Sound, Approach. Cash Box, 39.
Concert Reviews. Variety, 301:72. 1980-12-17
Zenyatta Platinum in Canada (photo). Music Week, 6.
Police. David Dalton. Music Week, 27.
Police Top Year-End Charts. Music Week, 1.
Clevere Kaufmaenner Erobern Die Hitparden. H. Hansen. Neue, Mz, 6:12. 1980-12
Records: Zenyatta Mondatta. Rolling Stone, 34:4:104. 1980-12
Caught In the Act. Melody Maker, 56:25. 1981-1-3
Police/Sector 27 Madison Square Garden. Roman Kozak. Billboard.
Riffs: The Police Blow Their Cover. J. Pareles. Village Voice, 26:87-88. 1981-1-14
The Police Break Every Rule. Record World, 16.
Zenyatta Mondatta Gold and Platinum (photo). Music Week, 3.
Police Scoop Radio Poll. Music Week, 12.
Talent In Action. Billboard, 93:37. 1981-1-24
The Police Sting the Big Apple. Melody Maker, 56:28. 1981-1-24
The Police. Chris Salewicz. NME. 1981-1
Platinum Blondes (photo). Billboard, 3.
Police Find Success by Breaking All the Rules. Music Week, 4.
Working Under Police Pressure! Nigel Gray Producer. Music Week, Supp 4.
Police Finds Success By Breaking All the Rules, Music Week, Supp 4.
Policing the World: Blond Heads Give Chase to International Stardom. James Henke. Rolling Stone, 337:42. 1981-2-19
Court Order Bars Police Bootlegs. Record World, 9.
Police Platinum Festival (photo). Record World, 39.
Records: Zenyatta Mondatta. Creem, 12:54. 1981-3
The Police, Does Everyone Stare. F. Niermann. Mus U Bild, 13:453-63. 1981-7
The Police In Venezuela (photo). Record World, 36.
New Police Single. Music Week, 4. 1981-9-5
Au Audiophile First. Cash Box, 16.
Nautilus LP for Police. Ed Harrison. Billboard, 3.
Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic (2371) review. Record World, 1.
Albums: Ghost In the Machine. Melody Maker, 56:20. 1981-10-3
Police Hit Back After BBC Ban (of Promo Video For New Single Invisible Sun). Melody Maker, 56:3. 1981-10-3
Police Power (photo). Billboard, 45.
Reviews: Ghost in the Machine (SP 3730). Billboard.
Ghost in the Machine (SP 3730) review. Cash Box.
Ghost in the Machine (SP 3730) review. Record World, 1.
High Spirits In the Material World. P. Colbert. Melody Maker, 56:20-21. 1981-10-17
Closeup (Ghost In the Machine). Sam Sutherland. Billboard, 93:104.
The Police Are Back. Kurt Loder. Rolling Stone, 357:58. 1981-11-26
Records: Ghost In the Machine. Rolling Stone, 358:81. 1981-12-10
Caught In the Act. Melody Maker, 56:24. 1981-12-19
Concert Reviews. Variety, 305:48. 1981-12-30
Riffs: Never Trust the Police. J. Truman. Village Voice, 27:61-62. 1982-1-6
Police Gear Up to Take �'Ghost�' Out on Tour. Cash Box, 9.
Ghost In the Machine (record reviews). High Fidelity, 32:84. 1982-1
Ghost in the Machine. Mitchell Cohen. Creem. 1982-1
Records: Ghost In the Machine. Trouser Press, 8:30. 1982-1
The Police at Wembley Arena. Richard Cook. NME. 1982-1
Ian Copeland: Putting the Police On the Road. James Henke. Rolling Stone, 362:40. 1982-2-4
Police Interrupt U.S. Tour for South American Dates. Roman Kozak. Billboard, 12.
The Changing Sounds Of Rock & Roll: Andy Summers' Chilling Guitar. M. Lee. Rolling Stone, 363:55-7. 1982-2-18
Talent In Action. Cary Darling. Billboard, 94:56.
German Gold for the Police (photo). Record World, 62.
Police (Ghost In the Machine). S. Simels. Stereo Review, 47:84. 1982-2
The Police's Sting Considers a New Career. F. Schruers. Rolling Stone, 337:47-8. 1982-3-4
Record Reviews: Ghost In the Machine. Down Beat, 49:31. 1982-3
Demolition Men In the Machine: Everything the Police Do Is Magic! C. Salewicz. Creem, 13:26-31. 1982-4
Hot Spots. Trouser Press, 9:58. 1982-4
Police Have More Fun! J. Green. Trouser Press, 9:17-21. 1982-5
The Police Have More Fun. Jim Green. Trouser Press. 1982-5
Canadian Dates For Police. RPM.
Ghost In the Machine Canadian Gold (photo). RPM. 1982-8-28
Talent In Action. Carter Moody. Billboard, 94:47.
Albums: Brimstone and Treacle: Soundtrack. Melody Maker, 57:21. 1982-9-11
A Policeman's Guide to Good and Evil. Paulo Hewitt. Melody Maker. 1982-9
Andy Summers: Painting Soundscapes With the Police. J. Obrecht. Guitar Player, 16:70-72. 1982-9
Police Antecedents. P. Frame. Trouser Press, 9:34-35. 1982-11
Demolition Men in the Machine: Everything the Police Do Is Magic. Chris Salewicz. Creem. 1982
Andy Summers: the Police's Superguitarist Reveals His True Identity. C. Doering & V. Gabarine. Musician, 51:56-60. 1983-1
Every Word You Say. P. Colbert. Melody Maker, 58:3. 1983-5-28
Albums: Synchronicity. Melody Maker, 58:27. 1983-6-18
MTV Tests Promo Power With Police; Tour Tie-In. L. Sacks. Billboard, 95:1. 1983-6-18
Reviews: Synchronicity. Billboard. 1983-6-18
Riffs: Ghosts In the Machination. M. Spencer. Village Voice, 28:69. 1983-6-21
Records: Synchronicity. Rolling Stone, 398:54-55. 1983-6-23
The Police Infuse Avant-Garde and the Commercial. Robert Palmer. New York Times. 1983-6-26
Synchronicity (record reviews). Variety, 311:54. 1983-6-29
Synchronicity, the Police. Vanity Fair, 46:30. 1983-6
The Police's Synchronicity. Richard Cook. NME. 1983-6
Official Police Business. Jay Cocks. Time, 122:50. 1983-8-15