Rubaja & Hernandez Discography
There are 5 recordings for Rubaja & Hernandez. Click the links for the worldwide releases by recording title then click the stock number for the detailed discography including tracks, credits, format and release information.
High Plateau
Stock | Country | Label | Format | Released |
WH 1064 | Canada | Windham Hill Records | vinyl album, CD album, cassette album | 1987 |
D32Y 5086 | Japan | Windham Hill Records | CD album | 1987 |
C28Y 5086 | Japan | Windham Hill Records | vinyl album | 1987 |
D22Y 5211 | Japan | Windham Hill Records | CD album | |
WH 1064 | United States | Windham Hill Records | vinyl album, CD album, cassette album | 1987 |