A&M recordings had foreign license representation by Decca in Scandinavia, Holland, Germany and Belgium; Pye in the United Kingdom; Pathe Marconi in France, and Compagnia Generale del Disco (CGD) in Italy.
One of the early successful singles was Lucille Starr's "The French Song" which sold 150,000 copies in Holland.
Fonier in Belgium released a promotional record by Herb Alpert and the Tijuana Brass to support their tour.
Hispavox used A&M's own label on recordings in Spain.
Pathe Marconi released a promotional album pressed on yellow vinyl that featured the Tijuana Brass, Baja Marimba Band, Sergio Mendes & Brasil '66, Claudine Longet and the Sandpipers. The company also released extended play recordings by the Baja Marimba Band and Claudine Longet.
In August A&M reached a distribution agreement with Deutsche Grammaphon for Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Scandinavia and Benelux. Albums and singles were released with the A&M Records logo.
In February, A&M renewed its distribution agreement with Hispavox in Spain. In Finland, Finlevy distributed A&M Records. Among the first albums it promoted was A Taste of A&M Records.
A&M Records' first staff presence in Europe came soon after the establishment of A&M Records, Ltd. in London. Larry Yaskiel was named the European director and began work on September 1 in London. Yaskiel and eight staff coordinated record promotions with Pye Records (England), Deutsche Grammophon (Germany, Austria, Switzerland, France, Belgium, Holland and Luxembourg), CGD (Italy), and Hispavox (Spain). The staff would also assign new songwriters to Almo Music, Irving Music or Rondor Music and provide media promotions and coordinate personal appearances by artists.
1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979
Effective August 1, Ariola-Eurodisc GMBH of Munich, Germany, began representing A&M Records in Germany, Switzerland and Austria. Ariola-Eurodisc-Benelux N.V. acquired the rights for the Benelux territories. Deutsche Grammophon had been the representative in Benelux and continued to service Germany, Austria, Switzerland, France, Belgium, Holland, Luxembourg, Scandinavia, Singapore and Hong Kong. RCA distributed A&M Records in France.
As of September 1, European director Larry Yaskiel and eight staff for A&M Europe were based in A&M's London office. Yaskiel also had responsibility for assigning publishing to Almo, Irving or Rondor Music. The staff coordinated with its distributors, and Hispavox (Spain). Representation in Italy shifted from Compagnia Generale del Disco (CGD) to Dischi Ricordi,
On October 1, Dishi Recordi began distributing A&M in Italy. The first albums under the deal were by Quincy Jones, Carpenters, Sergio Mendes & Brasil '66, Humble Pie and Joe Cocker's Mad Dogs and Englishmen. Karrussell was the distributor in Sweden.
Michel de May was named European Coordinator responsible for the coordination of product release and promotion with European affiliates. Before this appointment, de May directed international promotion for A&M in Los Angeles.
A&M named its European coordinator, Michel de May who was based in France and whose work emphasized A&M in the French market.
The licensees for tapes and discs were:
Iron Curtain countries--Ariola
France--RCA Italiana plus some tapes from Precision Tapes
Germany--Ariola (duplication)
Great Britain-- Precision Tapes (duplication and marketing)
Holland--Ariola (imports tapes from Precision Tapes)
Italy--Dischi Ricordi (manufacturing)
Scandinavia--tapes imported from Precision Tapes in Britain
Spain--Hispavox (manufacturing)
On August 1, Sonet Group began distributing A&M Records in Scandanavia.
Ricordi was the licensee distributing A&M in Italy.
By June 1, 1974, the Paris office was responsible for promotion and product coordination throughout Europe. Michel de May was named to run the Paris office responsible for promotion and all European affairs. He also oversaw servicing of records and exports through A&M Records, Ltd. The office was located at 27 Rue Cambon, Paris 1, France.
In February, Barclay became the licensee in France and Ariola-Eurodisc in German, Austria, Switzerland, Belgium, Holland, Luxembourg and Spain. Sonet Group was the distributor in Scandinavia and Ricordi in Italy. In June, Polydor replaced Symphoa as A&M's distributor in Ireland.
Inelco was the distributor in Belgium.
Marcus Bicknell was named European managing director to oversee all European operations. He began work effective January 1, 1977 and reported to David Hubert Vice President A&M International. Michel de May remained A&M's European coordinator in Paris with emphasis on promotion in France.
In January Marcus Bicknell came to A&M Europe as its managing director. Michel de May now had special emphasis on the French market.
The A&M Records Europe office in Paris, France moved to 35 Avenue Franklin D Roosevelt, Paris 8. The office served as the European headquarters office as well as the French promotion office. Michel de May, promotions director, managed the Paris office.
In late April, A&M announced that CBS International would be its distributor throughout continental Europe. The arrangement centralized the manufacture of discs for 16 countries. The A&M Records Europe office was to increase and supplement the distribution arrangement. Bill Stern was appointed European marketing research and public relations consultant. He told Billboard, "The degree in which A&M is known in Europe is by the promotion of its product....It's a matter of a known label establishing itself as a more international one."
Other key staff included:
David Clapham: financial director
Joe Little: production coordinator
Cathy Oudemans: promotion coordinator
Ariane Sorps: assistant to Michel de May
The magazine Musica and Som reported that A&M Records was the number one label in album sales in Portugal.
A&M created promotion offices in Hiversum, Holland and Frankfurt, Germany. Both offices were located within the CBS offices.
Among staff changes in Europe:
Heide Bieger was the promotion coordinator in Germany;
Cathy Oudemans was appointed promotions director;
Ariane Sorpes was the radio promotion assistant in France replacing Michel de May;
Lex Coesel was the promotion coordinator in Holland;
Olivia Demachy became the press promotion assistant in France;
Christina Mastrogiovanni was production coordinator.
CBS became A&M Records distributor in Europe.
In August, Derek Green was promoted to a new position, director of artist development and talent acquisition in Europe. He was also made a senior vice president of A&M Records in the U.S..
Claude Pupin became the promotion director in France.
Anne Hammond became the promotion assistant for Europe.
Effective April 1 A&M licensing for continental Europe moved from CBS to Polydor International as Polydor outbid CBS. Polydor would manufacture, market and distribute A&M product in all European countries except Britain.
1965: A&M to Blanket Europe. Billboard. December 18, 1965.
1967: From the Music Capitals of the World (New York). Mike Gross. Billboard, June 17, 1967.
1969: A&M Keys European Attack to Three Goals. Billboard. August 23, 1969.
1970: Ariola Pack With A&M and Ariola-Eurodisc Pact with A&M. Billboard, July 25, 1970, 60.
1976: Bicknell Names European Mgr., A&M Records. Billboard. December 25, 1976.
1977: Stern Moves to Bolster A&M European Marketing. Ed Harrison. Billboard, May 7, 1977.
1978: A&M Juggles Paris Staff to Improve Links. Cashbox. October 21, 1978.
1979: Green Promoted to Sr. VP Post at A&M Records. Cashbox, September 8, 1979.
A&M Names Green to European Post. Record World, September 8, 1979.
1982: New Headquarters for A&M Europe. Billboard. June 26, 1982.
1985: A&M Records Ends Pact with CBS Subsidiary: Polydor Will Handle European Distribution. William Knoedelseder, Jr. Los Angeles Times January 30, 1985.
A&M Records' 10th and 15th anniversary books
Billboard magazine articles
A&M Records and Rondor Music International employees