A Certain Ratio Concerts

A Certain Ratio performed 27 concerts worldwide. You can sort the list by city, concert venue, or date.

Location Venue Date Sort descending
Sheffield, England Leadmill 1988-12-13
Manchester, England Manchester Central 1988-12-17
London, England Astoria 1988-6-25
Liverpool, England 1989-12-26
London, England HMV Forum 1989-12-25
Leicester, England Leicester University 1989-12-24
Glasgow, Scotland University of Strathclyde 1989-12-21
Aberdeen, Scotland Ritzy 1989-12-20
Edinburgh, Scotland Carlton Studios 1989-12-19
Edinburgh, Scotland 1989-12-18
Newcastle, England Riverside 1989-12-16
Stratford, England University 1989-12-14
Liverpool, England Liverpool University 1989-10-26
London, England Town & Country Club 1989-10-25
Leicester, England Leicester University 1989-10-24
Glasgow, Scotland Strathclyde University 1989-10-21
Aberdeen, Scotland Ritzy 1989-10-20
Edinburgh, Scotland Calton Studio 1989-10-19
Newcastle Upon Tyne, England Riverside 1989-10-18
Newcastle, England Newcastle Riverside 1989-10-16
Uxbridge, England Brunel University 1989-10-15
Bradford, England Bradford University 1989-10-14
Sheffield, England University 1989-10-13
Birmingham, England University 1989-10-12
Manchester, England Free Trade Hall 1989-6-14
London, England Town & Country Club 1989-5-23
Liverpool, England 1989-4-27