Captain Beefheart Discography

There are 16 recordings for Captain Beefheart. Click the links for the worldwide releases by recording title then click the stock number for the detailed discography including tracks, credits, format and release information.

Diddy Wah Diddy/Frying Pan/Moonchild/Who Do You Think You’re Fooling

Diddy Wah Diddy/Frying Pan/Who Do You Think You’re Fooling/Moonchild

Diddy Wah Diddy/Who Do You Think You’re Fooling

Do Wah Diddy/Who Do You Think You’re Fooling

Doc At the Radar Station

Moon Child/Who Do You Think You’re Fooling

Moonchild/Frying Pan

Moonchild/Here I Am, I Always Am

Shiny Beast

The Legendary A&M Sessions