Keith Hampshire Discography

There are 42 recordings for Keith Hampshire. Click the links for the worldwide releases by recording title then click the stock number for the detailed discography including tracks, credits, format and release information.

Big Time Operator/Smoke Gets In Your Eyes

Big Time Operator/You Can't Hear the Song I Sing

Big Time Operator/You Can’t Hear the Song I Sing

Daytime Night-Time

Daytime Night-Time/Turned the Other Way

First Cut Is the Deepest/You Can’t Hear the Song I Sing

Forever and Ever (Baby I’m Gonna Be Yours)/Jeraboah

Hallelujah Freedom

Jeraboah/Forever and Ever

Sitting In the Park/The First Cut Is the Deepest

Sitting In the Park/Waking Up Alone

The First Cut

The First Cut Is the Deepest

The First Cut Is the Deepest/Forever and Ever (Baby I'm Gonna Be Yours)

The First Cut Is the Deepest/Waking Up Alone

The First Cut Is the Deepest/You Can’t Hear the Song I Sing