Milton - Milton Nascimento

Stock Number
A&M Records
United States
CD album.
Released: 2000-4 -4
Recording Notes
Reissue by Verve for Universal Music Group
Track Sort ascending Track Title Track Time
9 Os Povos (the People) 00:00:00
8 Saidas e Bandeiras (Exits and Flags) 00:00:00
7 One Coin (Tostao) 00:00:00
6 The Call (Chamada) 00:00:00
5 Cravo + Canela 00:00:00
4 Nada Sero Como Antes 00:00:00
3 Francisco 00:00:00
2 Fairy Tale Song (Cade) 00:00:00
1 Rata 00:00:00
Credit Role
Airto Moreira drums
Airto Moreira percussion
Bernie Grundman mastering
Cafi photography
Edu Lobo whistle
Herbie Hancock piano
Hugo Fattoruso organ
Hugo Fattoruso piano
Jeremy Zatkin engineer
Laudir de Oliveira percussion
Maria Fatima vocal
Milton Nascimento arranger
Milton Nascimento guitar
Milton Nascimento vocal
Milton Nascimento whistling
Novelli bass
Phil Shima design
Raul De Souza trombone
Rob Fraboni producer
Roberto Silva drums
Roberto Silva percussion
Roland Young art direction
Toninho Horta guitar
Tornino Horta guitar
Wayne Shorter soprano sax
Wayne Shorter tenor sax

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