Tuck & Patti Concerts

Tuck & Patti performed 29 concerts worldwide. You can sort the list by city, concert venue, or date.

Location Sort ascending Venue Date
The Hague, Netherlands Congresgebouw 1989-7-16
The Hague, Netherlands Congresgebouw 1989-7-15
Sedona, AZ 1989-9-22
Sedona, AZ 1989-9-22
Sedona, AZ 1989-9-23
Sedona, AZ 1989-9-23
Seattle, WA 1989-9-28
Saratoga, NY 1989-7-1
Saratoga, CA 1989-9-29
San Remo, Italy Pala Barilla 1989-2-24
San Diego, CA 1989-9-16
Pittsburgh, PA 1989-8-27
Philadelphia, PA 1989-8-25
Orlando, FL 1989-10-12
Nice, France Arenes et Jardins de Cimierz 1989-7-18
Nice, France Arenes et Jardins de Cimierz 1989-7-11
Nice, France Arenes et Jardins de Cimierz 1989-7-10
Newport, RI 1989-8-20
Miami, FL Knight Center 1988-10-7
Lignano Sabbiadoro, Italy Arena Alpeadria 1989-7-3
Highland Park, IL 1989-8-30
Fayville, NJ 1989-8-24
Brevard, NC 1989-8-18
Brescia, Italy Chiostro di Santa Chiara 1989-7-8
Boulder, CO 1989-8-11
Beverly Hills, CA Beverly Hilton Hotel 1988-12-9
Berkeley, CA 1988-4-29
Barrie, Canada Molson Park 1989-6-25
Alexandria, VA 1989-10-15