Andy Fairweather Low Discography

There are 67 recordings for Andy Fairweather Low. Click the links for the worldwide releases by recording title then click the stock number for the detailed discography including tracks, credits, format and release information.

Andy Fairweather-Low

Be Bop ’N’ Holla

Be Bop ’N’ Holla/Lighten Up

Champagne Melody/Inner City Highway Man

Champagne Melody/Wide Eyed and Legless

Dancing In the Dark/Same Old Story

Every Day I Die/Standing On the Water

La Booga Rooga

La Booga Rooga/Halfway to Everything

La Booga Rooga/Wide Eyed and Legless

Mellow Down/The Light Is Within

Reggae Tune/La Booga Rooga

Reggae Tune/Same Old Story

Shimmie-Do-Wha-Sae/Hot Poop

Spider Jiving

Spider Jiving/The Light Is Within

Travellin’ Light/If I Ever Get Lucky

Wide Eyed and Legless

Wide Eyed and Legless: the A&M Recordings

Wide Eyed and Legless/Grease It Up

Wide Eyed and Legless/Halfway to Everything