Annabel Lamb Discography

There are 69 recordings for Annabel Lamb. Click the links for the worldwide releases by recording title then click the stock number for the detailed discography including tracks, credits, format and release information.

Cinderella/Safety In Numbers



I Know How Love Goes/Electronic Toys

Inside Of My Head/Sisters Of Mercy

Inside Of My Head/What the Eye Sees

Once Bitten

Once Bitten/Missing

Once Bitten/Take Me In Your Arms

Riders On the Storm

Riders On the Storm/No Cure

Riders On the Storm/Take Me to Your Arms

So Lucky In Bed/Dream Boy

So Lucky In Bed/Dream Boy/Missing

So Lucky In Bed/Sacraments Of Love

So Lucky In Bed/Sisters Of Mercy

So Lucky In Bed/Venezuela

Tell Him/All Night TV

The Flame

The Flame/Sisters Of Mercy

The Flame/Sisters Of Mercy/Venezuela