Barrel - Lee Michaels

Stock Number
80 823 IT
A&M Records
vinyl album.
Released: 1970
Track Track Title Track Time
1 Mad Dog 00:00:00
2 What Now America 00:00:00
3 Uummmm My Lady 00:00:00
4 Thumbs 00:00:00
5 When Johnny Comes Marching Home 00:00:00
6 Murder In My Heart 00:00:00
7 Day Of Change 00:00:00
8 Think I'll Cry 00:00:00
9 Games 00:00:00
10 Didn't Know What I Had 00:00:00
11 As Long As I Can 00:00:00
Credit Role Sort ascending
Larry Marks producer
Jim McCrary photography
Tom Wilkes photography
Lee Michaels lead vocal
Lee Michaels keyboards
Drake Levin guitar
Bartholomew Smith-Frost drums
Chuck Beeson design
Tom Wilkes art direction

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