Sector 27 Concerts

Sector 27 performed 22 concerts worldwide. You can sort the list by city, concert venue, or date.

Location Sort descending Venue Date
Avelgem, Belgium Tent Aan Station 1980-9-6
Bangor, Wales Bangor University 1980-10-4
Birmingham, England Civic Hall 1980-10-15
Birmingham, England Civic Hall 1980-10-13
Bristol, England Berkeley 1980-10-8
Edinburgh, Scotland Nite Club 1980-10-17
Glasgow, Scotland University of Strathclyde 1980-10-18
Herenthout, Belgium Zaal Lux 1980-5-17
Liverpool, England 1980-9-27
London, England 1980-11-5
London, England Marquee Club 1980-10-27
London, England Marquee Club 1980-10-2
London, England Marquee Club 1980-9-9
London, England Half Moon 1980-8-1
Manchester, England Rafters 1980-10-23
Milton Keynes, England National Bowl 1980-7-26
New York, NY Bottom Line 1980-7-7
Northampton, England County Cricket Club 1980-10-25
Richmond, England Broileys 1980-10-9
Roosdaal, Belgium Kapelleweide 1980-8-10
Sheffield, England Limit 1980-8-14
Swansea, Wales Circles 1980-10-21