Missa Gaia/Earth Mass - Paul Winter

Stock Number
LM 0002
LM 0002-A/B
Living Music Records
United States
vinyl album.
Released: 1982
Credit Role Sort descending
Cathedral Chorus and Choristers
Chris Brown associate producer
Gordon Johnson bass
Eugene Friesen cello
Paul Halley conductor
Gil Robbins conductor
Christina Watkins design
Mickey Houlihan engineer
Chris Brown engineer
Nancy Rumbel english horn
Jim Scott guitar
Paul Winter liner notes
Bob Ludwig mastering
Chris Brown mix advisor
Nancy Rumbel oboe
Paul Halley organ
Ted Moore percussion
Marcio Sapel percussion
Jim Saporito percussion
Guilherme Franco percussion
Paul Halley piano
Phil Markowitz piano
Oscar Castro-Neves producer
Paul Winter producer
Paul Winter soprano sax
Susan Osborn vocal

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