Chiaroscuro - Anger & Marshall

Stock Number
WH 1043
WH 1043-A/B
Windham Hill Records
United States
vinyl album, CD album, cassette album.
Released: 1985
Credit Sort descending Role
Andy Narell steel drums
Anne Ackerman design
Barbara Higbie synthesizer
Bernie Grundman mastering
Darol Anger cello
Darol Anger mandolin
Darol Anger producer
Darol Anger synthesizer
Darol Anger viola
Darol Anger violin
David Winston photography
Dexter Gator assistant engineer
George Marsh percussion
Irene Young photography
Michael Manring bass
Michael Manring synthesizer
Mike Marshall guitar
Mike Marshall mandolin
Mike Marshall percussion
Mike Marshall producer
Mike Marshall synthesizer
Oliver DiCicco engineer
Oliver DiCicco producer
Stewart Whitmore mix editor
Todd Phillips string bass
William Ackerman executive producer

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