Annabel Lamb Concerts

Annabel Lamb performed 19 concerts worldwide. You can sort the list by city, concert venue, or date.

Location Sort ascending Venue Date
Wolverhampton, England Polytechnic 1983-10-15
Retford, England Porterhouse 1983-10-1
Rayleigh, England Crocs 1983-9-30
Nottingham, England Trent Polytechnic 1983-10-14
Manchester, England Fagins 1983-10-18
London, England King's College 1983-10-4
London, England Hammersmith Palais 1983-10-22
London, England Polytechnic 1983-10-21
Liverpool, England System 1983-10-7
Liverpool, England System 1983-10-10
Leicester, England De Montfort Hall 1983-10-19
Leeds, England Leeds University 1983-10-17
Huddersfield, England Polytechnic 1983-10-12
Hatfield, England Polytechnic 1983-10-13
Frankfurt, Germany Alte Oper 1984-6-2
Coventry, England University of Warwick 1983-10-6
Bradford, England Bradford University 1983-10-8
Bournemouth, England 02 Academy 1983-10-20
Birmingham, England Polytechnic 1983-10-11