Bob Bennett Concerts

Bob Bennett performed 13 concerts worldwide. You can sort the list by city, concert venue, or date.

Location Sort ascending Venue Date
Tacoma, WA Dome 1985-10-14
Tacoma, WA Tacoma Dome 1985-11-14
St. Louis, MO Fox Theater 1985-9-26
Murfreesboro, TN Middle Tennessee State University 1985-10-19
Lexington, KY Rupp Arena 1985-10-17
Knoxville, TN University of Tennessee 1985-10-18
Jackson, MS Mississippi State Fair Coliseum 1985-10-10
Grand Forks, ND University of North Dakota 1985-11-5
Ft. Collins, CO Colorado State University 1985-10-26
Edmonton, Canada Northlands Coliseum 1985-11-9
Des Moines, IA Veterans Memorial Auditorium 1985-11-2
Champaign, IL University of Illinois 1985-11-1
Birmingham, AL Jefferson Civic Center 1985-10-11