DJ Shadow Concerts

DJ Shadow performed 18 concerts worldwide. You can sort the list by city, concert venue, or date.

Location Sort ascending Venue Date
Vancouver, Canada Richard’s On Richards 1997-3-30
Seattle, WA Showbox Comedy and Supper Club 1997-3-31
San Francisco, CA Maritime Hall 1998-4-7
San Francisco, CA Maritime Hall 1997-12-6
San Francisco, CA Maritime Hall 1997-4-3
Portland, OR La Luna 1997-4-1
Oxford, England Oxford Brookes University 1997-10-30
New York, NY 1996-9-5
New York, NY Tramps 1997-4-22
Manchester, England Nynex Arena 1997-2-17
London, England Wembley 1997-2-16
London, England Wembley Arena 1997-11-16
Lawrence, KS Bottleneck 1997-4-10
Chicago, IL Park West 1997-4-13
Cardiff, Wales International Arena & Convention Centre 1997-11-15
Cardiff, Wales Motorpoint Arena 1997-2-15
Birmingham, England NEC Arena 1997-11-19
Birmingham, England Resorts World Arena 1997-2-19