Garland Jeffreys Discography

There are 69 recordings for Garland Jeffreys. Click the links for the worldwide releases by recording title then click the stock number for the detailed discography including tracks, credits, format and release information.

American Boy & Girl

Bring Back the Love/Wild In the Streets

Bring Back the Love/Wild In the Streets/American Boy & Girl/Been There and Back

Cool Down Boy

Cool Down Boy/New York Skyline

Cool Down Boy/Why-O

Ghost Writer

Ghost Writer/35 Millimeter Dreams

I May Not Be Your Kind/35 Millimeter Dreams

Livin' For Me/American Boy & Girl

Matador and More

Matador/American Boy & Girl

One-Eyed Jack

Radio Special

Reelin'/One-Eyed Jack

She Didn't Lie

She Didn't Lie/Scream In the Night

Wild In the Streets/Cool Down Boy

Wild In the Streets/Ghost Writer