Mylon LeFevre/Broken Heart

Recording Years / Label
1983-1990 -  Word Records
Name Member Years Instruments
Ben Hewitt 1983-1987 drums, percussion
David Payton 1985 guitars, vocals
Kenny Bentley 1983-1987 bass, vocals
Mylon LeFevre 1983-1990 vocals, guitars
Paul Joseph 1985 keyboards, synthesizers, vocals
Scott Allen 1983-1987 guitars, vocals
Dean Harrington 1983 guitar, vocal
Stan Coates 1983 keyboards, synthesizer, vocal
Trent Argante 1987 guitar, vocal
Name Birth Death
Ben Hewitt
David Payton
Kenny Bentley
Mylon LeFevre 1945-10-06 2023-09-08
Paul Joseph
Scott Allen
Dean Harrington
Stan Coates
Trent Argante
Name See associated acts
Mylon LeFevre Mylon LeFevre

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