Righeira - Righeira

Stock Number
SP 4998
SP 04998-A/B
A&M Records
United States
vinyl album, cassette album.
Released: 1983
Recording Notes
Sticker, special label
Track Track Title Track Time Sort descending
3 Luciano Serra Pilota 00:03:27
7 Jazz Musik 00:03:48
4 Gli Parlero Di Te 00:04:19
8 Kon-Tiki 00:04:32
6 Disco Volante 00:04:50
5 Vamos a la Playa 00:05:10
1 No Tengo Dinero 00:05:30
2 Tanzen Mit Righeira 00:05:31
Credit Role
Atipiqa art direction
Atipiqa cover art
Atipiqa design
Ben Fenner engineer
Ben Fenner mix
Berthold Weindorf engineer
Berthold Weindorf mix
Carmelo La Bionda producer
Curt Crass drums
Dana Moray vocal
Gunther Gebauer bass
Herman Weindorf arranger
Herman Weindorf co-producer
Herman Weindorf piano
Herman Weindorf synthesizer
Mats Bjorklund guitar
Michelangelo La Bionda producer
Michelangelo La Bionda programming
Righeira concept

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