Tyrannosaurus Rex Concerts

Tyrannosaurus Rex performed 56 concerts worldwide. You can sort the list by city, concert venue, or date.

Location Sort ascending Venue Date
Woburn, England Woburn Abbey 1968-7-6
Whitwell, England Ford Farm 1968-8-31
Sunbury-on-Thames, England Kempton Park Racecourse 1968-8-10
St. Petersburg, FL Bayfront Center 1972-9-20
St. Louis, MO Kiel Auditorium 1972-10-3
Shreveport, LA Municipal Auditorium 1972-10-6
Santa Monica, CA Civic Auditorium 1972-10-14
San Francisco, CA Fillmore West 1972-10-13
San Diego, CA Civic Theater 1972-8-10
Providence, RI Palace Concert Theater 1972-9-15
Pittsburgh, PA Syria Mosque 1972-9-27
Pittsburgh, PA Syria Mosque 1972-9-2
Philadelphia, PA Spectrum 1972-2-18
Passaic, NJ Capitol Theater 1972-9-16
Passaic, NJ Capitol Theater 1972-9-9
Passaic, NJ Capitol Theater 1972-8-13
Oklahoma City, OK Civic Center Music Hall 1972-10-5
Newcastle, England City Hall 1972-6-24
New York, NY Academy of Music 1972-9-14
New York, NY Carnegie Hall 1972-2-27
New York, NY Wollman Skating Rink 1972-8-14
New Orleans, LA Warehouse 1972-9-22
Montreal, Canada Pierrefonds Arena 1972-9-8
Manchester, England Elizabethan Ballroom 1972-6-16
Manchester, England Magic Village 1968-3-16
Los Angeles, CA Olympic Auditorium 1972-10-19
Los Angeles, CA Palladium 1972-2-15
Long Beach, CA Long Beach Auditorium 1972-10-15
London, England Royal Festival Hall 1968-4-13
London, England Middle Earth 1968-5-19
London, England Empire Pool 1972-3-18
London, England Middle Earth 1968-5-31
London, England Roundhouse 1968-2-23
London, England Royal Festival Hall 1968-6-3
London, England Hyde Park 1968-6-29
London, England Royal Festival Hall 1968-4-5
Kansas City, KS Memorial Hall 1972-10-4
Houston, TX Music Hall 1972-10-7
Hartford, CT Dillon Stadium 1972-8-5
Frankfurt, Germany Romerberg 1968-9-13
Detroit, MI Grande Ballroom 1972-2-19
Detroit, MI Ford Auditorium 1972-9-29
Cleveland, OH Allen theatre 1972-9-28
Cleveland, OH Yorktown Theatre 1972-2-25
Chicago, IL Auditorium Theater 1972-9-30
Chicago, IL Auditorium Theater 1972-2-24
Cardiff, Wales Capitol Theater 1972-6-10
Boston, MA Aquarius Theater 1972-9-12
Bollate, Italy Carta Vetrata 1972-6-3
Bollate, Italy Carta Vetrata 1972-6-4
Blizen, Belgium Borreberg 1968-8-23
Birmingham, England Odeon 1972-6-9
Beckenham, England Mistrale Club 1968-10-18
Atlanta, GA Municipal Auditorium 1972-9-23
Arlington, TX University of Texas 1972-10-8
Alexandria, VA Alexandria Roller Rink 1972-2-20