Caribbean Express - Caribbean Express

Stock Number
SP 37021
SP 037021-A/B
AyM Discos
United States
vinyl album, cassette album.
Credit Sort descending Role
Bob Blank engineer
Bob Blank mix
Charles Kamer trombone
Cuto Soto arranger
Edgar Navarez arranger
Edwin Rodriguez congas
Edwin Rodriguez drums
Edwin Rodriguez percussion
Eugene Coida drums
Frank DeLuna mastering
Frankie Maldonado arranger
Frankie Rodriguez drums
Frankie Rodriguez percussion
Frankie Rodriguez timbales
Herberto Colon bongos
Herberto Colon congas
Herberto Colon director
Herberto Colon percussion
Johnny Mendez drums
Jose Quintana producer
Lionel Girardeau bass
Luis Lugo background vocal
Luis Lugo vocal
Luis Marin director
Luis Marin piano
Michael Lake trombone
Paul Horwitz photography
Peter Cirelli trombone
Tommy Villarini arranger
Tracy Veal artwork

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