Manolo - Manolo Badrena

Stock Number
SP 4783
SP 04783-A/B
A&M Records
United States
vinyl album.
Released: 1979-9 -25
Track Track Title Track Time Sort descending
7 Yana 00:02:33
2 Canales (Love Will Pave the Way) 00:03:31
6 Claro Que Si (Yes Of Course) 00:04:00
4 Clube da Esquina (the Corner) 00:04:08
3 Got Some (News For You) 00:04:43
5 Fly Away (Aqueybana) 00:05:14
1 The One Thing 00:05:54
8 Amor Lejano (Distant Love) 00:06:57
Credit Role
Abraham Laboriel bass
Alfredo de la Fe violin
Amy Nagawara design
Bernie Grundman mastering
Carlos Rios guitar
Carmen Twillie background vocal
Gary Gazaway background vocal
Gary Gazaway trombone
Gary Gazaway trumpet
Herb Alpert producer
Hugo Fattoruso background vocal
Hugo Fattoruso keyboards
Hugo Fattoruso piano
Jaco Pastorius bass
Jorge Fattoruso background vocal
Jorge Fattoruso drums
Lani Hall background vocal
Manolo Badrena background vocal
Manolo Badrena drums
Manolo Badrena keyboards
Manolo Badrena percussion
Manolo Badrena producer
Manolo Badrena vocal
Maria Fattoruso background vocal
Mark Smith engineer
Michael Going photography
Roland Young art direction
Steve Katz assistant engineer
Sybil Thomas vocal
Venette Gloud background vocal

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