Catching On - Mighty Clouds of Joy

Stock Number
C28Y 3177
Word Records
vinyl album.
Released: 1987-4 -21
Credit Role
Bergen White string and horn arrangement
Charles Walker guitar
David Hunphreys drums
David Hunphreys percussion
Denny Purcell mastering
Don Cobb engineer
Donna McElroy background vocal
Gary Paczosa assistant engineer
Jerry Joyner design
Jesse Boyce bass
Joe Rogers photography
Johnny Martin background vocal
Ken Harding executive producer
Larry Byrom guitar
Michael Cook background vocal
Norbert Putnam engineer
Norbert Putnam producer
Peter Nash photography
Phil Naish synthesizer
Ralph Lofton piano
Richard Wallace background vocal
Robert Butler executive producer
Steven Ford organ
Thomas Cain producer
Vicki Hampton background vocal
Virginia Team design
Yvonne Hodges background vocal

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