Buy My Record - Robert Williams

Stock Number
SP 3304
A&M Records
United States
vinyl album.
Released: 1981
Recording Notes
Released as SP 12401
Credit Role Sort ascending
Eric Feldman Yamaha organ
Walt Fowler trumpet
Bruce Fowler trombone
Robert Williams synthesizer
Arthur Barrow synthesizer
Robert Williams Synare electronic drums
Denny Walley slide guitar
Jeff Hollie sax
Steve Fowler sax
Albert Wing sax
Joe Chiccarelli producer
Robert Williams producer
Eric Feldman Mini Moog bass
Eric Feldman mellotron
Robert Williams mellotron
Arthur Barrow mellotron
Robert Williams lead vocal
Jeff Tepper lead guitar
Robbie Krieger lead guitar
Bob Mothersbaugh guitar
Arthur Barrow guitar
Ron Moss executive producer
Robert Williams drums
Arthur Barrow bass
Ike Willis background vocal
Annerose Bucklers background vocal

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