Sector 27 Concerts

Sector 27 performed 22 concerts worldwide. You can sort the list by city, concert venue, or date.

Location Sort ascending Venue Date
Swansea, Wales Circles 1980-10-21
Sheffield, England Limit 1980-8-14
Roosdaal, Belgium Kapelleweide 1980-8-10
Richmond, England Broileys 1980-10-9
Northampton, England County Cricket Club 1980-10-25
New York, NY Bottom Line 1980-7-7
Milton Keynes, England National Bowl 1980-7-26
Manchester, England Rafters 1980-10-23
London, England 1980-11-5
London, England Marquee Club 1980-10-27
London, England Marquee Club 1980-10-2
London, England Marquee Club 1980-9-9
London, England Half Moon 1980-8-1
Liverpool, England 1980-9-27
Herenthout, Belgium Zaal Lux 1980-5-17
Glasgow, Scotland University of Strathclyde 1980-10-18
Edinburgh, Scotland Nite Club 1980-10-17
Bristol, England Berkeley 1980-10-8
Birmingham, England Civic Hall 1980-10-13
Birmingham, England Civic Hall 1980-10-15
Bangor, Wales Bangor University 1980-10-4
Avelgem, Belgium Tent Aan Station 1980-9-6