Songs the Lord Taught Us - Cramps

Stock Number
SP 70007
SP 070007-A/B
I.R.S. Records
United States
vinyl album.
Released: 1980-4 -1
Credit Role
Alex Chilton organ
Alex Chilton producer
Bryan Gregory guitar
Carl Grasso art direction
Cramps cover concept
David Arnoff photography
Erick Purkhiser mix
Erick Purkhiser technician for CD release
Erick Purkhiser vocal
John Guarnieri technician for CD release
John Hampton engineer
Kristy Wallace guitar
Kristy Wallace mix
Kristy Wallace technician for CD release
Marc Dellorco mix
Marc Dellorco tape restoration
Mike Reese remastering
Nick Knox drums
Simon Fowler photography
Stephanie Chernikowski photography

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