Daisy Chainsaw Concerts

Daisy Chainsaw performed 27 concerts worldwide. You can sort the list by city, concert venue, or date.

Location Sort ascending Venue Date
Wolverhampton, England Wulfrun Hall 1992-10-13
Windsor, England Old Trout 1992-5-29
Windsor, England Old Trout 1992-9-29
West Hollywood, CA Whisky 1992-11-10
Washington, DC 9:30 Club 1992-10-31
Toronto, Canada Opera House 1992-10-25
Seattle, WA Backstage 1992-11-13
San Francisco, CA Slim's 1992-11-11
San Francisco, CA Slim's 1992-10-11
San Diego, CA SOMA 1992-11-8
Reading, England Trades Union Club 1992-9-3
Providence, RI Club Babyhead 1992-10-27
Newcastle Upon Tyne, England Riverside 1992-5-18
New York, NY Tilt 1992-10-30
Minneapolis, MN 7th Street Entry 1992-10-21
London, England Astoria 1992-10-16
London, England Astoria 1992-9-16
London, England Venue 1992-9-8
London, England University of London 1992-1-27
Detroit, MI Saint Andrew's Hall 1992-10-24
Dallas, TX Trees 1992-11-4
Chicago, IL Metro 1992-10-23
Cambridge, MA T.T. the Bear’s Place 1992-10-28
Bristol, England Bierkeller 1992-9-30
Bristol, England Bierkeller 1992-5-30
Austin, TX Backroom 1992-11-5
Atlanta, GA Masquerade 1992-11-2