Transmissions - Gentlemen Without Weapons

Stock Number
AMC 5204
A&M Records
cassette album.
Released: 1988-7 -11
Track Sort descending Track Title Track Time
1 Buddha's Monkey 00:00:00
2 Eons Roll By 00:00:00
3 Earth Love 00:00:00
4 Islands Of the Future 00:00:00
5 Transmissions 00:00:00
6 Rain Of Terror 00:00:00
7 Unconditional Love (Planet Earth) 00:00:00
8 Uchu O Mamoro 00:00:00
9 Time (the Clock Song) 00:00:00
10 The Earthling 00:00:00
Credit Role
Gentlemen Without Weapons producer
Kenny Young
Nick Glennie-Smith
Vic Coppersmith-Heaven

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