Dope Box - Jack Drag

Stock Number
31454 0909
A&M Records
United States
vinyl album, CD album, cassette album.
Released: 1998-9
Recording Notes
Album, CD and cassette deleted 05/15/2000
Track Track Title Track Time
1 Debutante 00:03:51
2 Psycho Clogs 00:03:50
3 Seem So Tired 00:04:33
4 Dope Box 00:04:01
5 Sinner's Delight 00:02:24
6 Surfin' the Charles 00:03:25
7 Where Are We 00:03:15
8 Tall Buildings 00:02:11
9 Best Friend 00:03:57
10 Distorto Toy-Drum Love 00:00:55
11 I Feel Really O.K. 00:03:23
12 Kung Fu Dub 00:05:48
Credit Role Sort descending
Jeri Heiden art direction
Joe Klompus bass
Gerri Sutyak cello
Larimie Garcia design
Jason Sutter drums
Chris Shaw engineer
George Marino mastering
Chris Shaw mix
Eric Trui mix assistant
Karen Rome mix assistant
Ken Feldman mix assistant
William Claxton photography
John Dragonetti producer
Chris Shaw producer
Dan Culinder remix
Chris Shaw remix
Husky Hoskokis second engineer
John Dragonetti vocal

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