Togetherness - L.T.D.

Stock Number
AM 2705
A&M Records
Released: 1978
Credit Sort descending Role
Abraham Miller, Jr. baritone sax
Abraham Miller, Jr. tenor sax
Benorce Blackmon guitar
Bernie Grundman mastering
Billy Osborne background vocal
Billy Osborne bells
Billy Osborne clavinet
Billy Osborne drums
Billy Osborne organ
Billy Osborne percussion
Billy Osborne piano
Billy Osborne rhythm arrangement
Bob Hughes engineer
Bobby Martin arranger
Bobby Martin producer
Bobby Martin string and horn arrangement
Carle Vickers bass
Carle Vickers flugelhorn
Carle Vickers flute
Carle Vickers horn and rhythm arrangement
Carle Vickers soprano sax
Carle Vickers trumpet
Douglas Graves assistant engineer
Henry Davis background vocal
Henry Davis bass
Henry Davis clavinet
Henry Davis horn and rhythm arrangement
Jake Riley rhythm arrangement
Jake Riley trombone
James Davis arranger
James Davis background vocal
James Davis celesta
James Davis clavinet
James Davis piano
Jeffrey Osborne background vocal
Jeffrey Osborne drums
Jeffrey Osborne percussion
Jeffrey Osborne vocal
Jeffrey Osborne vocal arrangement
John McGhee guitar
John McGhee rhythm arrangement
L.T.D. executive producer
Len Ron Hanks vocal arrangement
Lorenzo Carnegie alto sax
Lorenzo Carnegie flute
Lorenzo Carnegie tenor sax
Melvin Webb drums
Melvin Webb percussion
Paul Shure concertmaster
Zane Grey vocal arrangement

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