Mental As Anything

Recording Years / Label
1981-1983 -  Solid Gold Records
1981-1984 -  A&M Records
Name Member Years Instruments
Andrew 'Greedy' Smith 1981-1984 keyboards, harmonica, vocals
Martin Plaza (Martin Murphy) 1981-1984 guitar, vocals
Peter O'Doherty 1981-1984 bass, guitar, vocals
Reg Mombassa 1981-1984 guitar, vocals
Wayne Delisle 1981-1984 drums
Name Birth Death
Andrew 'Greedy' Smith 1956-01-16 2019-12-02
Martin Plaza (Martin Murphy) 1956-01-01
Peter O'Doherty 1958-03-23
Reg Mombassa 1951-08-14
Wayne Delisle 1954-04-21

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