In the Eye Of the Storm - Roger Hodgson

Stock Number
AMLH 65004
A&M Records
vinyl album.
Released: 1984
Track Track Title Track Time
1 Had a Dream (Sleeping With the Enemy) 00:08:49
2 In Jeopardy 00:05:59
3 Lovers In the Wind 00:04:11
4 Hooked On a Problem 00:05:10
5 Give Me Love, Give Me Life 00:07:33
6 I'm Not Afraid 00:07:03
7 Only Because Of You 00:08:40
Credit Role Sort ascending
Roger Hodgson vocal
Ken Allardyce vocal
Claire Diamant vocal
Chris Amson technician
Scott Page sax
Roger Hodgson producer
Charles Reilly photography
Ken Allardyce mix assistant
Malcolm Pollack mix assistant
James Farber mix
Scott Litt mix
Howie Weinberg mastering
Roger Hodgson instruments
Ken Allardyce harmonica
David Coleman design
Roger Hodgson cover concept
Jimmy Johnson bass
David Coleman artwork
Timothy Eames artwork
Richard Frankel art direction
Chuck Beeson art direction
Roger Hodgson arranger

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