Sun Ra Concerts

Sun Ra performed 35 concerts worldwide. You can sort the list by city, concert venue, or date.

Location Sort ascending Venue Date
Ypsilanti, MI Depot Town 1990-6-24
Wuppertal, Germany Historische Stadthalle 1990-3-8
Worcester, MA Polytechnic Institute 1990-2-4
Willisau, Switzerland 1989-9-1
Washington, DC 9:30 Club 1989-9-28
Washington, DC 9:30 Club 1989-12-26
Vienna, VA Wolf Trap 1990-4-21
Stuttgart, Germany Theaterhaus 1990-4-13
Stockholm, Sweden Skeppsholmen 1990-6-30
Sant’Anna Arresi, Italy Piazza del Nuraghe 1989-9-4
San Francisco, CA Slim’s 1990-5-2
Portland, ME Baystock Festival 1989-8-13
Pittsburgh, PA 1989-8-19
Philadelphia, PA Forum Theater 1990-2-16
New York, NY Knitting Factory 1989-7-22
New York, NY Lone Star Cafe 1989-7-19
New York, NY Central Park 1989-7-29
Moscow, Russia Rossia Concert Hall 1990-5-31
Montreal, Canada Concordia University 1990-2-3
Lugano, Switzerland Piazza della Riforma 1990-6-28
Lugano, Switzerland Piazza della Riforma 1990-6-27
Los Angeles, CA Club Lingerie 1990-5-11
Los Angeles, CA Palomino Club 1990-5-10
London, England University of London 1990-6-10
Liverpool, England Bluecoat 1990-6-9
Leeuwarden, Netherlands 1990-3-10
Istanbul, Turkey Istikal Avenue 1990-4-15
Harlesden, England Mean Fiddler 1990-6-11
Hamburg, Germany Fabrik 1989-8-29
Detroit, MI Orchestra Hall 1989-11-26
Carrboro, NC Cat's Cradle 1989-10-8
Cambridge, MA Nightstage 1989-8-11
Buffalo, NY Marquee at the Tralf 1990-4-6
Boston, England Northeastern University 1990-3-31
Birmingham, AL Linn Park 1990-6-15