Wendy & the Rocketts Concerts

Wendy & the Rocketts performed 11 concerts worldwide. You can sort the list by city, concert venue, or date.

Location Sort ascending Venue Date
Wurzburg, Germany Carl-Diem-Halle 1983-10-31
Offenbach am Main, Germany Stadthalle 1983-10-27
Newcastle, England City Hall 1983-11-23
London, England Marquee Club 1983-3-18
London, England Marquee Club 1983-3-19
London, England Marquee Club 1983-10-14
London, England Marquee Club 1983-10-15
London, England Hammersmith Odeon 1983-11-28
Hanley, England Victoria Hall 1983-11-20
Glasgow, Scotland Apollo 1983-11-24
Brussels, Belgium Cirque Royal 1983-11-15