Huggett Family

Recording Years / Label
1973-1974 -  Daffodil Records
Name Member Years Instruments
Andrew Huggett 1973-1974 oboe, baroque violin, lute, guitar
Fiona Huggett 1973-1974 violiln, tenor viol
Ian Huggett 1973-1974 viola, treble viol
Jennifer Huggett 1973-1974 cello, viola da gamba
Leslie Huggett 1973-1974 French horn
Margaret Huggett 1973-1974 virginal, spinet, harpsichord
Name Birth Death
Andrew Huggett 1955-07-22
Fiona Huggett 1961-04-28
Ian Huggett 1959-09-26
Jennifer Huggett 1957-11-15
Leslie Huggett 1929-06-01
Margaret Huggett 1931-11-18

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