Stock Number
SP 4855
A&M Records
vinyl album.
Track Track Title Track Time Sort ascending
6 Get Yours Tonight 00:04:47
3 Best Thing I Never Had 00:04:14
9 Always Something 00:04:10
4 Goodbye Cruel World 00:04:09
1 Too Many Questions 00:03:59
8 Can I Come Over Tonight? 00:03:38
2 Workin' Overtime 00:03:27
7 Hurt Me 00:03:07
5 Why Me 00:03:05
Credit Role
David Mikeal guitar
David Mikeal vocal
Ernie Sheesley assistant engineer
George Marino mastering
Greg Webster assistant engineer
Harvey Goldberg mix
Kim Smith guitar
Kim Smith vocal
Michael Bolt drums
Michael Bolt vocal
MPG arranger
Phil Knox assistant producer
Steve Carey keyboards
Steve Carey producer
Steve Carey vocal
Steve Locklin bass
Steve Locklin vocal
Tom Knox engineer
Tom Knox mix
Tom Knox producer

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