Scarce Concerts

Scarce performed 11 concerts worldwide. You can sort the list by city, concert venue, or date.

Location Sort ascending Venue Date
Wolverhampton, England Civic Hall 1995-4-27
Washington, DC RFK Stadium 1995-6-3
Sheffield, England Sheffield University 1995-4-29
Roskilde, Denmark Festivalpladsen 1996-6-29
Paris, France Le Bataclan 1995-5-8
Munich, Germany Terminal 1 1995-4-15
Manchester, England University of Manchester 1995-4-30
London, England Brixton Academy 1995-5-4
London, England Shepherds Bush Empire 1995-5-10
Glasgow, Scotland Barrowlands 1995-5-1
Amsterdam, Netherlands Paradiso 1995-4-25