Mona Bone Jakon - Cat Stevens

Stock Number
602435 325453
A&M Records
United States
Released: 2020-11 -5
Recording Notes
Deleted 1/6/2021
Track Sort descending Track Title Track Time
1 Mona Bone Jakon 00:00:00
Credit Role
Alun Davies guitar
Cat Stevens arranger
Cat Stevens cover art
Cat Stevens guitar
Cat Stevens illustration
Cat Stevens keyboards
Cat Stevens vocal
Cat Stevens/Yusuf guitar
Cat Stevens/Yusuf keyboards
Cat Stevens/Yusuf vocal
Del Newman arranger
Harvey Burns drums
Harvey Burns percussion
Jack Rothstein viola
John Ryan bass
Lee Hulko mastering
Michael Bobak engineer
Paul Samwell-Smith producer
Peter Gabriel flute
Richard Sterling photography
Richard Stirling photography
Robert Ludwig mastering

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