Strong - John Adams

Stock Number
SP 5164
A&M Records
vinyl album, CD album, cassette album.
Released: 1987
Track Track Title Track Time
1 Strip this Heart 00:04:39
2 Passion 00:03:37
3 Strong 00:05:17
4 Stranger Than Love 00:03:28
5 Message to Rudi 00:04:16
6 What Do You Want from Me 00:05:11
7 No Turning Back 00:04:29
8 Don't You Think It's Time 00:04:15
9 Someone to Believe In 00:03:47
10 Hold Back the Tears 00:03:59
Credit Role Sort ascending
John Adams producer
Reggie Lucas producer
Les Pierce producer
Joseph Vittarelli producer
Frankie Blue producer
Bruce Forrest producer
Nick Knight photography
Bruce Forrest mix
John Pace mix
Frankie Blue engineer
Gregg Lunsford engineer
John Lombardo engineer
Frank Heller engineer
Les Pierce engineer
Craig Johnson engineer
Michael Hodgson design
Jeff Gold art direction

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