City Lights - Dr. John

Stock Number
D18Y 4125
Horizon Records
CD album.
Released: 1989-5 -21
Track Sort descending Track Title Track Time
1 Dance the Night Away With You 00:04:20
2 Street Ride 00:05:59
3 Wild Honey 00:04:08
4 Rain 00:04:47
5 Snake Eyes 00:06:44
6 Fire Of Love 00:03:21
7 Sonata/He's a Hero 00:05:18
8 City Lights 00:03:56
Credit Sort descending Role
Al Schmitt engineer
Al Schmitt mix
Alvin Batiste clarinet
Alvin Robinson vocal
Arthur Jenkins percussion
Barry Rogers trombone
Charlie Miller cornet
Christine Martin production assistant
David Prentice assistant engineer
David Sanborn alto sax
Don Henderson assistant engineer
Dr. John arranger
Dr. John keyboards
Dr. John vocal
George Jones vocal
George Young tenor sax
Hank Cicalo engineer
Hugh McCracken arranger
Hugh McCracken harmonica
Hugh McCracken producer
Hugh McCracken synthesizer
Kevin Herron engineer
Mike Reese mastering
Neil Larsen organ
Neon Park cover art
Plas Johnson tenor sax
Richard Tee keyboards
Ronnie Barron vocal
Ronnie Cuber baritone sax
Steve Gadd drums
Tammy Lynn vocal
Tommy LiPuma producer
Will Lee bass

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